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Completion Date: ????

    I have  recently gotten a lot of inquiries into our completion date for the house. This is a question that I always avoid answering. I know a lot of it simply stems from curiosity but I also feel like a small portion of it stems from doubt in us ever being able to complete such a task. I’ll be honest with you, we don’t have a completion date and the house will never be finished. This isn’t a term paper that we will submit. It’s more like a pet that we will need to care for throughout its lifespan. I guess you might not even call it a project then, you would call it a commitment. As long as we are successful with our care, one day someone else will begin the continuous task of caring for the house because it will still need someone to help it along once we are gone. The house was listed in the local newspaper as completed in May of 1880. That wasn’t really true, in that instant the paint was already starting to wear away and the shingles beginning to age. Maybe none of this aging was visible to the naked eye, but it was happening. 

    We will never be finished, the house will always need updating and maintenance. While we don’t have a completion date, we do have goals. Goals of running water inside the house not just outside in the Allegheny River. We have gone four years without a bathroom at the house and are eagerly awaiting the day we can wash away the dust that accumulates at the house from within the house. Another huge goal would be having a completed bedroom so we could take a rest after climbing up and down the winding stairs all day. One of the biggest goals I’ve been looking forward to is Thanksgiving dinner at the house. We are almost always in Potter County for our thanksgiving meal but it would be wonderful to be on Main Street this year. I’m not going to give out dates for the completion of these goals because it really doesn’t matter. It will get done. There is no need for us to rush. We want things done properly not quickly. It will make it easier for us to care for the house in years to come and hopefully for whoever is taking care of it long after us. We will have Thanksgiving there, maybe a turkey will sit on the table in a completed dining room in November or maybe we will just stop by to enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie on paper plates in the tower. Either way, it will be perfect. 



  1. Amen! Perfect assessment of restoring caring and loving an old home!

  2. Hats off to you, a lot of folks do not realize what it takes in restoring an old house, a very large one at that. I wish you and your team the best in your journey in bringing her back to glory. What you have done so far is ended the process of her deterioration and breathed new life back into her. I am sure this was the hope of many who looked at her and saw the potential, thank you and your crew who have really made a difference in saving her!!!

  3. I would be happy to help you work on a place I once felt was home. Keep It's Spirit Alive!

  4. It's a journey, not a destination.

  5. What a wonderful answer!!! I do love watching you on your careful, thoughtful journey!

  6. I love your explanation!!! You & your dad enjoy every minute of your restoration, take your time & be safe while working !!! ����

  7. Love your comment about things getting done properly, not quickly. There's a great deal of pride in putting your energy into the necessary craftsmanship required to get a precise representation of the vision you sought out to complete. My wife and I are planning a long weekend nearby in the coming weeks and in my research I somehow came across a photo of the house from about five years ago. I was immediately drawn to the beauty of the structure and knew it had to have an interesting history. It's so good to know that someone stepped up to take on the massive task. I'm also glad you're spending time writing about your steps along the way. We hope to make a quick visit in our travels. I hope you don't mind a couple of people stopping to take a few photos.

  8. It’s not the destination, but the journey….


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